Warhammer 40K: Space Marine II ha sido retrasado casi un año hasta la segunda mitad de 2024. Seguir leyendo…
WarHammer 40k: Space Marine
ShowTime Podcast 260: chilaquiles con crema
En este el último podcast del año finalmente hablamos del salvador de los juegos de disparos, de un juego espacial que nadie esperaba fuera tan bueno y de La Rueda del Tiempo. Además de los anuncios más destacados de los Game Awards. Seguir leyendo…
Revelan la historia de una posible trilogía de Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
Sabemos bien que Warhammer 40k: Space Marine puede que nunca vaya tener una secuela, lo cual nos hace sentir tremendamente tristes, pero si algún consuelo podemos sacar de los planes que tenían para una posible trilogía de títulos para Space Marine, pues ya han sido revelados.
Según explica Raphael van Lierop, Director de space Marine, a Penny Arcade Report tenían grandes planes para las aventuras del Capitán Titus en subsecuentes títulos de la serie. “Tenía grandes planes para Titus. La segunda parte de la historia se enfocaría en la historia de un ‘Titus Desencadenado’, en donde habrían fuerzas en su contra que llevarían hasta el límite su lealtad al Adepto Astartes. A final de cuentas, Titus terminaría rebelándose y conoceríamos una faceta de él nunca antes vista, fuera del control que mostró durante Space Marine. Como consecuencia a sus actos sería exiliado de la orden, lo cual vendría siendo el equivalente a una sentencia de muerte.”
Para una tercera parte, agrega van Lierop, Titus haría su retorno a los Space Marines para terminar en un último conflicto en el cual alinearía a muchos Space Marines a su lado y le ayudarían a instituir un nuevo Capítulo de los Space Marines con él como su figura de mando superior.
Lástima que esto probablemente nunca lo vayamos a ver.
THQ anuncia secuelas para Darksiders, Red Faction Guerrilla y Saint’s Row para 2011
Muchos cayeron con la especulación de un analista que decía que Darksiders -a pesar de haber sido “aclamado por los críticos”- no había cumplido con las espectativas de THQ y que, además, no había vendido ni el millón de copias. Pero Brian Farrell revelado que el título, de hecho, vendió cerca de 1.2 millones de copias en menos de un mes y que tendrá secuela el año próximo.
Pero la cosa no termina ahí, pues para el año fiscal 2012 -que, amiguitos, abarca desde el 1 de Marzo de 2011 hasta el último de abril de 2012- saldrá también Saint’s Row 3, Red Faction Guerrilla 2, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, Homeland entre otros.
Me da más gusto por Darksiders que aunque no ha tenido ventas estratosféricas se le dará una oportunidad más de brillar en uan secuela que seguramente será increíble. Sí, soy un fanboy.
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Compartido por ti Yakuza 3 Features The Best Face Stomping Of The Generation [Clips]– We know that some PlayStation 3 owners have been enjoying the import version of Yakuza 3 for close to a year now, but not everyone has been shattering gangster cheekbones with white leather shoe… 20:39
Compartido por ti 26 Questions answered by LOST, week 1– LOST’s week 1 answered some of the 100 questions we raised last week. This is the first of our weekly stories in which we will fill in the answers as they come up. Of course, damn you, we’ve got an… 19:57
Compartido por ti No, Gladiator Begins is NOT a porn movie– [As posted on Japanator] I love Acquire. Creators of the Way of the Samurai games, they put the “quirky” into “quirky Japanese game.” Part of being so quirky is their willingness to… 19:47
Compartido por ti Aonuma hopes to show ‘playable’ build of new Zelda at E3– The latest carrot to be dangled before the teeming mass of The Legend of Zelda fans comes from a recent interview in Famitsu magazine, via Andriasang. There, director Eiji Aonuma says he hopes th… 19:44
Compartido por ti Metroid Creator Talks Metroid: Other M, WarioWare & More At GDC [Metroid]– Looking forward to Metroid: Other M? Then take note. This year’s Game Developers Conference adds one more must-attend session with the addition of Metroid creator Yoshio Sakamoto’s rare lecture abo… 19:33
Compartido por ti There Shall Be New New Vegas News Tomorrow, Apparently [Twitter]– Three different tweets from three different Bethesda Softworks sources hint at some sort of big Fallout: New Vegas info dropping tomorrow. From Bethesda’s Pete Hines: “if you’re into Fallout or wan… 19:31
Compartido por ti Rumor: Nintendo to unveil new hardware at GDC– Does Nintendo have a hardware reveal planned for Game Developers Conference 2010? One unnamed source has heard something along these lines. Speaking to VideoGamer, an employee “at a … 19:23
Compartido por ti Potentially Nasty New iPhone Security Flaw Discovered– Wuh-oh! Considering its popularity and the number of handsets floating around out there compared to the number of security exploits discovered thus far, I’d say Apple has done a pretty good job o… 19:15
Compartido por ti Tourette’s Sufferer Sues Starbucks for Discrimination– Robert Friedman of Boca Raton, Fla., has Tourette’s syndrome. And according to a lawsuit he’s just filed in Palm Beach County Courthouse, the side effects from his inherited disorder led to a rathe… 17:23
Compartido por ti Sony ‘actively thinking’ about PSN charges– It’s time for the old “PSN charges” debate to rear its ugly head. The last time we left off, it became pretty clear that Sony was strongly considering a premium service on the PlaySt… 17:04
Compartido por ti 3D Dot Game Heroes: Natural Sword Enhancement– Coming up short? Lacking in confidence? [great big smile, thumbs up] Shrugging off any potential risk of their PR blast being scooped up by spam blockers, Atlus shows off this 3D… 16:59
Compartido por ti Sony Europe: Don’t worry, Gran Turismo 5 will be out before Christmas. Maybe. (We hope.)– The vice president in charge of “Southern Europe” (read: Spain, Portugal) at Sony Computer Entertainment isn’t a man to mince words. No sir, James Armstrong answered his recent interview question… 16:53
Compartido por ti Darksiders rides into 1.2 million homes, THQ financially recovering– THQ today announced to investors its financial holdings for the year ending December 31, 2009, reporting a net income of $1.4 million and sales of $701.5 million in the final nine months of the y… 16:45
Compartido por ti SKATE 3 Trailer Goes Industrial– As SKATE 3’s Port Carverton setting is a new one for the series, developer EA Black Box has started providing virtual tours of the town. First stop? The Industrial District. If the past SKATE g… 16:43
Compartido por ti Red Faction Guerrilla Sequel At E3 2010, Arrives By April ’11 [Thq]– THQ’s recent Martian hit Red Faction Guerrilla will get a sequel sooner than you may have expected, with the publisher’s CEO announcing that a follow-up is in the works. And you’ll get a look at it… 13:29
Compartido por ti Charge: Gamers Not Honest About Their Defense Of Violent Games [Ratings]– In our continued efforts to see both sides of the argument in Australia and elsewhere about the extreme content of some games we find this letter to the editor that says that many violent game defe… 12:56
Compartido por ti Forza Developer Working On “Next Big Thing” [Turn 10]– Turn 10 Studios released racing simulator Forza Motorsport 3 last fall. The company went on to do what most other developers do: Start develop on a new game. But is it another Forza title? Turn … 12:55
Compartido por ti Sony claims the PS3 is breathing down Xbox 360’s neck– We haven’t had much corporate showboating for a while, so here’s Sony’s Peter Dille to set things right. The VP of marketing believes that his company is breathing down Microsoft’s n… 12:55
Compartido por ti This Is What Firefox on Android Looks Like Right Now [Android]– When I first saw this, I was tempted to call fake. I mean, why the hell is a desktop version of Firefox running on Android? What happened to Fennec? But rest assured, this is real—and actually, ver… 12:54
Compartido por ti The bullsh*t begins: Fable 3 to re-invent game mechanics– We haven’t even see the first screenshot yet, and Peter Molyneux is starting to crank out the crap concerning Fable III. GDC is almost upon us, and it has provided the game designer … 12:47
Compartido por ti Aliens vs. Predator PC Demo Released Early, Console Demos Coming Thursday (Updated)– Update: Scratch waiting till tomorrow, the PC demo is now available on Steam. Grab it now and play all night before Steam’s content download and matchmaking servers go offline for a few hours… 12:47
Compartido por ti Witness the birth of God of War III’s Chimera– Let it be known that I traveled far and wide to find myself a God of War Slurpee. I struck out at three 7-Elevens, one of which didn’t even have a Slurpee machine. Who knew tha… 12:46
Compartido por ti Wii Zelda a MotionPlus-exclusive, may be shown at E3– In traditional Nintendo fashion, the company has been very secretive about the upcoming Legend of Zelda game on the Wii. We knew it existed, but not much else. Now series producer Eiji Aonuma … 12:46
Compartido por ti Online Multiplayer Assassin’s Creed II Coming To The iPhone [Game Announce]– Assassin’s Creed II Discovery has only recently hit iTunes, and Ubisoft is readying another dose of portable professional killing with Assassin’s Creed II: Multiplayer, an online game of kill-or-b… 12:46
Compartido por ti uTorrent 2.0 Brings Performance Updates, Bandwidth Control, UDP Support, and More [Downloads]– Windows only: uTorrent is far and away the most popular BitTorrent client among Windows users, and they’ve recently pushed out a shiny new 2.0 release, bringing with it bug fixes, performance impro… 12:46
Compartido por ti 3D Dot Heroes Trailer: Natural Sword Enhancement– Plagued by an unusually small sword, or just want to go bigger? Either way, publisher Atlus has you covered in the latest vignette for the upcoming 3D Dot Game Heroes. From Software and Silicon St… 12:45
Compartido por ti Sony is ‘Thinking About Charging’ for PSN [Sony]– The most common charge leveled at the Xbox 360 by Playstation 3 devotees is that Microsoft dares to charge for its Xbox Live service, unlike the free PSN. Not for long! Back in November, a present… 12:45
Compartido por ti The Nipple Gamepad T-Shirt [T-shirts]– To open the secret entrance to the cave, try left-left-up-left-down-down-right-left then a-y-y-x-b-a and then hold the d-pad down while clicking y-y-b-b. Press start twice, and you will get in. [Fl… 09:47
Compartido por ti New Wii Zelda will be a Motion Plus exclusive– Have you bought the little Motion Plus doingle for your Wii remote yet? If you want to play the new Zelda, then you’re going to have to. The next time we travel to Hyrule on the Wii,… 09:47
Compartido por ti News: Take-Two denies reports of job cuts at studio level– Take-Two has responded to claims of mass redundancies across the company, including its development studios, calling them “erroneous” and saying that no reductions have been made at stu… 09:38
Compartido por ti Torrent Sites Blamed For Twitter Attack– Twitter alleges that a torrent script developer has installed backdoors into his software, allowing it to gain login credentials of users. These credentials have been abused to boost the follower c… 09:24
Compartido por ti The 10 Most Avidly-Played Wii Games In America (As Of Feb 1) [Wii]– Welcome to a month of declines. Every month we at Kotaku show which Wii games have racked up the most playing time, per player, since launch. And this month, all but two of the 10 declined or were … 09:22
Compartido por ti News: Tecmo Koei reports $20.3 million loss– Japanese publisher and developer Tecmo Koei has reported a loss of ¥1.84bn ($20.3m / €14.5m) for the three months ending December 31, 2009. … 07:22
Compartido por ti EB Games in Australia pushing for R18+ classification– EB Games of Australia wants to fight the good fight! The company is supporting the campaign for introducing an R18+ classification for videogames in Australia. All 364 EB Games store… 07:15
Compartido por ti Don’t Plan On Downloading Any More PlayStation 3 Games [Psn]– While Sony is warming to the idea of releasing more PS1 and PS2 games on the PlayStation Network, those hoping for more PS3 games being made available for download might want to find something more… 07:13
Compartido por ti Take-Two restructures corporate departments, studios untouched [update]– Update: We just received this statement from Take-Two: “While it is our policy not to comment on rumors and speculation, we wanted to clarify an erroneous report regarding our company. As part o… 07:05
Compartido por ti BioWare: No, Mass Effect 2 isn’t coming to the PS3– Despite retail listings, rumors, and other online shenanigans, BioWare maintains that its hit title Mass Effect 2 will not be coming to the PlayStation 3. The latest rumblings came … 02/02/2010
Compartido por ti Blizzard announces ‘premium’ Auction House functionality for WoW Armory app– There’s a surprisingly large sect of characters in World of Warcraft who live their entire lives without ever stepping foot outside of their race’s capitol city. To some, the MMO’s in-game auctio… 02/02/2010
Compartido por ti Microsoft looking into Windows 7 battery life failures– Microsoft says it is investigating reports of notebooks with poor battery life with Windows 7, as first reported by users on Microsoft TechNet. These users claim their batteries… |