Trofeos PSN

Revelada la lista de trofeos de MGS 4

Ya se dio a conocer por fin la lista completa de trofeos que tendrá Metal Gear Solid 4 en un próximo parche que llegará a mediados de Agosto, es curioso que la lista de trofeos sea por hacer actividades peculiares y no tanto por derrotar a X enemigo superar tal area:

Bronze You enjoy all the killing, that’s why. Killed many enemies in one area, and vomited.
Bronze Divine Wind Caused a “divine wind” using the Tanegashima.
Bronze Hands Up! Held an enemy soldier at gunpoint and performed a body check.
Bronze Emotion Control Controlled an enemy soldier’s emotions using an Emotive Magazine.
Bronze Hurt me more! Shocked an enemy soldier using Mk. II/III.
Bronze Drum Can Addict Knocked an enemy soldier flying using a Drum Can.
Bronze That Tune Is His Mind Control Music Played Oishii Two-han Seikatsu and made one of the BB Corps dance.
Bronze Overhead view — just like old times… Used overhead view on Shadow Moses Island.
Silver SUNLIGHT! Obtained the Solar Gun.
Silver I Just Don’t Fear Death Caused ALERT status while wearing the Corpse Camo.
Silver Where I Can See Ya Located enemy soldiers using the Scanning Plug.
Silver Ghost Photography Addict Snapped at least 5 shots of ghosts on Shadow Moses Island.
Silver FaceCamo Addict Obtained 10 or more types of FaceCamo (excluding types obtained via password).
Silver Can you feel my power now!!!? Took control of an enemy soldier’s body using the Mantis Doll or Sorrow Doll.
Silver Are you an Otaku too? Viewed all model posters.
Silver You’re pretty good. Got kissed by Ocelot during the final battle.
Gold Flashback Mania Viewed all flashbacks.
Gold Sounds of the Battlefield Obtained all iPod® tracks (excluding tracks obtained via password).
Gold I am THE expert on weapons, equipment and cutting-edge technology. Obtained all weapons (excluding weapons obtained via password).
Platinum The Legendary Hero Obtained all trophies.

[vía PS BLOG]

Sony hará obligatorios los Trofeos para el año entrante

Ya era hora que Sony dejara de dar la mano a torcer y les hiciera un poco de presión a los desarrolladores para que hagan todos sus títulos compatibles con los trofeos que ofrece la PlayStation Network. Y después que el primer día de Enero de 2009 estemos viviendo, serán obligatorios para todo título que salga en la PlayStation 3.

Ya era hora Sony. Ya era hora…


[imágen vía|GameTrailers Foros]